
It was a nice warm day and we decided to go to plaça de Rius y Taulet.

As we approached the corner, we heard good jazz sounds.

There were lots and lots of chairs set and occupied. The crowd was standing room only except for this one young lady.

Danger at plaça Rius y Taulet while listening to L’hora del Jazz

plaça Rius y Taulet

She sat there, she sat there you see with the sun shining brightly and its rays framing only her ... or so it seemed.

And that is the reason I took the photo.

But I suspect you have asked yourself the proverbial question:

Can sitting on cement for long periods of time cause derrier bunionitis?

Ah, you see, I know how concerned you are for the poor little thing!


I don't know the answer.

Silly writing and I almost amused myself.

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